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Merit Methodology An Overview

Why This Is Different

As students advance in school, they are expected to make meaningful contributions to academic discussions. To do so, students must be able to read for a purpose, analyze data, and communicate their ideas. Unfortunately, many students enter higher grades unable to read critically, understand math concepts, or express themselves clearly.

If not dealt with, the effect of these problems multiplies. Students and teachers become frustrated with a lack of progress over time.

Instructional software can be a great way to coordinate efforts and achieve the desired outcome.

Merit® Software learning tools provide focus and direction for achieving academic success.

As you might expect, many educational technology providers make very strong claims about what you can accomplish with their products. Certainly, other publishers have incorporated some of the same elements that can be found in Merit programs.

However, it is the way these techniques are implemented that makes Merit one of the most powerful and useful learning tools available to teachers, tutors, parents and students today.



It improves students’ ability to think clearly.
Essential concepts in reading, writing and math are broken down into manageable parts and students apply skills as they learn them. The combination of these techniques develops their ability to synthesize information and make inferences.

It builds students’ confidence as learners.
The software provides personal feedback, multiple methods of instruction and automatic scoring. This enables students to see the impact of their actions and accept responsibility for improving their skills.

It does not replace teachers; it makes them more effective.
Merit’s personalized tips and explanations, combined with built-in tracking features, help teachers improve student achievement. The software reinforces the fundamental concepts that teachers emphasize in most class curricula.

It fits easily into almost any teaching style.
Most teachers and tutors who use Merit were already doing good work before starting with the software — they just wanted to make their efforts more successful. It is not a pre-set curriculum.

It has been the subject of rigorous scientific-based research.
Independent analysts have performed control versus treatment group studies to evaluate Merit for its effectiveness as an instructional supplement.

It does not take long to get results.
The software is effective and efficient. Research has shown that significant gains in student achievement can be attained after a relatively short time period. In one study, it took only 6 hours of use over four weeks to see improvements.

It has a lasting effect.
The most detailed research conducted on Merit has shown that gains in student achievement continue when teaching with it two years in a row.

It affects students’ overall academic performance.
The research also shows that the skills developed by using Merit transfer to other essential academic areas.

It is affordable.
Educational organizations generally operate on limited budgets. That is why teachers and tutors are offered a variety of options for using Merit on multiple computers. Schools are also welcome to purchase reasonably priced Home versions for individual pupils.

It can be sampled before making a commitment.
Free, full-working samples of the exercises in Merit programs are available by download from our website.

Merit is a partner in learning.
Educators use Merit to make their lives easier. To ensure success Merit specialists are available to answer any curriculum, implementation or technical questions by phone or email.

Why Merit Gets Results

Merit Software gives everyone involved — teachers, tutors, parents and students — the tools and opportunities to improve learning and to attain positive, measurable results.

The programs provide detailed coverage of the core competencies students require to succeed. Concepts in reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary are covered from the basics to higher levels. An engaging, yet straightforward format encourages learners to continue improving their skills. All students experience success.
Troublesome points are identified and broken down into understandable parts. Personalized explanations and tips are tailored to each student’s responses.

Built-in tracking permits teachers and tutors to quickly discover individual areas of concern and to plan lessons in response to specific student needs

Instructors receive a clear and current measure of student achievement. Options for meaningful communication with students, parents and administrators are increased.

Who It Helps

Merit helps a wide range of students master a variety of core skill areas.

Some of the types of students that we help are listed below:

Students apply language arts and math skills as they learn. They develop their critical thinking skills and overall ability to grasp difficult concepts and analyze information across subject areas.

Context-based instruction helps special education students overcome their difficulties with comprehension, problem solving, organizing, and communication skills.

Merit covers the essential skills that returning students have forgotten, or never really mastered in the past. Self-paced and self-advancing lessons help students get to the right level quickly.

English grammar, writing, and vocabulary are taught and explained in an easy-to-learn fashion.

Communication and analytical skills are improved by using Merit as part of job training programs.

Signup for Free Tryout & Product Manuals

Signup to start your tryout version for unlimited period use.

We will send your tryout product link along with product manual in your email. If you don’t find it in your “Inbox,” please check your “Junk/Spam” folder.

The tryout version offers the following benefits:

  • Full-working samples of the activities of the program.
  • Unlimited period of use.

Buy the full version to unlock even more features:

  • Save and resume work.
  • Access lots more content.
  • View student work online.